Pull In - Exercise Ball

Recommendations: 1-3 Sets, 10-15 Reps

Beginner Abdominals Strength Fitness Ball Compound Gym

Purpose: This exercise strengthens the abdominal muscles.

Benefits: This exercise will give you a well-defined mid-section.

Lie face down with your body cradled over the ball and your hands on straight arms directly below your shoulders. Have your shins on the ball. Roll the ball out with your hands. This is the starting position. Pull the ball in, without moving your hands, using your abdominals and hip flexors. Exhale during this movement. Slowly return to the starting position. Inhale during this movement. Repeat for the recommended number of repetitions.

The abs can be divided into the abdominals themselves and the obliques. The obliques are the outer abs and are used in twisting movements. For the sake of exercising, the abdominals are sometimes divided into upper abs and lower abs (this is not a technical division but something for exercising). Both upper and lower abs are used in straight line ab exercises while the upper abs are also involved in twisting movements.

Step 1

Lie, your body cradled over the ball, your hands below your shoulders, your shins on the ball. Roll the ball out.


Lie face down with your body cradled over the ball and your hands on straight arms directly below your shoulders. Have your shins on the ball. Roll the ball out with your hands. This is the starting position.

Step 2

Pull the ball in using your abdominals and hip flexors.


Pull the ball in, without moving your hands, using your abdominals and hip flexors. Exhale during this movement.

Step 3

Return to the starting position.


Slowly return to the starting position. Inhale during this movement. Lie face down with your body cradled over the ball and your hands on straight arms directly below your shoulders. Have your shins on the ball. Roll the ball out with your hands.